Dermatology Clinic Information At Vale Vets

The clinic is run by Dr Will Trewarman, who has a postgraduate degree in veterinary dermatology and is finishing his training to become a fully-fledged dermatologist. 

Why should I attend the dermatology clinic?

Skin and ear disease in dogs and cats is often challenging to diagnose and management is often lifelong, meaning that these conditions are often frustrating to treat, and may require many visits. 

Within the clinic we try to understand your pet’s condition, via a detailed history and questionnaire and tailor our management plan to your individual needs, leading to happier pets! 

What can I expect in clinic?

We ask that you provide your questionnaire before your appointment date, so that we can take the time to fully understand your pet’s history and bring your pet in starved so that should sedation be needed, we can go ahead that day. 

Will then discusses the history with you and examines your pet, taking samples in several different ways depending on the skin condition, and examining them under the microscope, before going through the findings with you, a process that takes approximately 60 minutes.

Please be aware: some conditions will require further testing, and may need sedation, biopsy or other tests requiring admission. These options will be discussed with you at the time.

Will then collates this information to produce an advice letter which may be combined with specific information, or a treatment protocol tailored to your best friend’s needs.

What will this cost?

The price of 1 hour’s initial consultation and in-consult testing is £180, 30-minute follow-up appointments are £100.

You will be provided with an estimate of costs if admission, sedation or external lab testing is recommended.
Treatments are charged separately and are individual to each patient.

My dog or cat is anxious or uncomfortable about being handled for examination – what can I do?
Please get in touch before your consultation if you feel your friend is unlikely to accept being examined in detail – we may be able to help with arrangements or anti-anxiety medications to make things easier for them.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01562 822692.

Thank you.


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Diet Trial Guidelines For Dogs
Diet Trial Guidelines For Cats
Itch Tracker